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Jordle, a simple and fun word-guessing puzzle game, can be enjoyed online by anyone. You have six chances to solve the puzzle. All your answers must be five-letter words. Interesting, huh? The tiles change colour to indicate how close your guess was to being correct. You can play on the most difficult level, which requires that each word use all the letters from the previous one.
You can navigate using the mouse and use the keyboard on the screen to enter text. You must guess a word from the dictionary. Guess the word as few times as possible. Neopian terms and non-Neopian ones are both used. This includes proper nouns. You'll discover more information about the Jordle as you make each guess. In Jordle's solution, the green letter appears in the right place. The orange letter is in the correct place but not in the answer to Jordle. It's not the grey letter that is responsible for solving Jordle. Logging into your account will allow you to save your progress.
Wordleverse has many other fun games to play besides Jordle. You're a success!