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Instant Wordle, which is based on the popular Wordle game, was altered so that the players have to guess the challenge before they can play in Wordle mode. This game starts with an already-populated table of predictions. Your goal is to determine how you can win after only making one guess. It is only possible to play this game once a day. In practice mode, however, you are able to play as many pixels as you want. Enjoy yourself!
Games that are similar Instant Wordle games like Dordle and Nerdle are popular. Try your hand at these fun games. Have fun with the game!
You must figure out how to win this game by ensuring that you win with exactly one guess from a pre-populated table of guesses.
The two-word list utilized in the game is a "secret list" of just somewhat common words and a larger list of keywords you can guess. The game will notify you if you enter a word that is not on the secret list. You can still guess that word if you want, but it can't be the secret word, so try something new if you're on your second guess!
A new set of puzzles is posted every day at 6 a.m. in all time zones. Each puzzle specifies the number of "paths to victory," or pairs of words that must be properly predicted in order to win (rather than the number of words that potentially represent the hidden word). To win, you will never have to accurately guess an uncommon word; this statistic only includes "ordinary" words!