Adverswordle, an adversarial version of Wordle, is a computer program that attempts to predict the five letter word you are thinking.
Adverswordle's concept is simple: instead of trying to find a five-letter word within a short time, like Wordle, you can give the word to an artificial intelligence and watch it work.
Just generate a five-letter word and run the game. Then mark the predictions of the AI in the traditional way. If it is correct and correctly positioned, click on it until it turns green. Color it yellow if it is incorrectly placed. You can then watch the AI's brain at work as a thought bubble appears with possible solutions.
For the game, the player must choose a five-letter word to guess. Players must highlight a letter in yellow if it is wrongly placed within a word. To mark a letter as green, players must click it twice. Adverswogle is now available!