Cladder is a one-minute online puzzle game in which participants attempt to figure out 10 words based on hints. Players are given 60 seconds to answer all ten clues. You'll be given a three or four-letter beginning word and told to modify one letter to get the solution. Cladder won't penalize you for wrong guesses, and if you wait long enough, it will highlight the right letter. However, you don't want to waste too much time waiting since you're on a strict timeline. If you're stuck, you may utilize one skip, but it costs five seconds of your 60-second limit. Like Wordle, there's just one new Cladder per day, but you may play the complete archive if you'd like. Let's try out the game and see how it works.
- To solve all ten clues, you have 60 seconds.
- To get the answers, change one letter from the preceding word
- You won't be punished for making bad estimates.
- You may skip one (costs 5 seconds)
- Midnight: new puzzle